Mama update: I'm still keeping up with Soulcycle and core exercises on the weekends with Kayla Itsines. I've been slacking off on the Kayla Itsines mostly because I started having foot pain again. The exercises in the routines rely on a lot of jumping that sometimes hurt my feet. I had this foot pain about three years ago and it has to do with me wearing a lot of flat shoes when I was in my 20s. I am going to acupuncture for it, which is helping. I need to see a reflexologist to pin point the issue instead of relying on cortisone shots like I had in the past. I don't want to become reliant on a practice that will be not so good in the long run. I am not so sure my foot pain came back from carrying Juniper, but I think it has more to do with my job.
Juniper update:
1. Juniper felt snow for the first time. We went to Mammoth, put her in a snow suit and let her crawl around. She even tasted the snow. Thank goodness I brought her sunglasses because it was really bright.
2. She sat in a grocery car for the first time. I know what you are thinking, "you are a such a germ-a-phobe." Yes, to a certain degree I am weird about germs, but I think that it was time she experience how to accompany me while shopping without putting out my back. I also bought her the best bib in the world. I initially started using the oxo foldable bib, which is good for traveling; however, I wanted to have a bib that was super easy to clean.
3. She eats on her own, sometimes. A part of me was afraid of the mess and that she would choke, but I had to let go of this fear. I alternate between letting her eat and spoon feeding her out of convenience. She is in love with anything flavored with chicken.
4. She likes hanging out in a sling. She has become slightly clingy. I read that this is normal, so in order to appease her, I have her in the sling while I cook and do errands around the house.
5. She started pointing. She wants to know the name of everything lately. She is very interested in Herbert (our bichonpoo) and what he does. She always tries to taste his food and play with his toys.