What I Have Learned About Being a Mother...

What I have learned about being a mother is that it has allowed me to embrace imperfection even more than I needed to in my 20s.  If you have the idea that things need to be carried out perfectly, then a life of rigidity and fear take over. It's really easy to tell yourself and others, "I am scared."  There is a sense of comfort when someone convinces themselves that they cannot carry out a certain task because of x, y, z.  Nevertheless, fear paralyzes you from accomplishing your dreams.  For example, I felt this way about getting pregnant.  I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to carry out my hobbies anymore, how I wouldn't have the same body, traveling would be sparse, etc.  I can still carry out my hobbies and exercise; however, it has to be modified and more planned out. This also applies to raising Juniper. The more I embrace imperfection, the easier I will accept what is happening. As a result, embracing the fact that I will come across some road blocks and be the imperfect mom.

What I have learned about being a mother is that it has made me more determined to carry out my dreams.  I feel even more determined about carrying out my goals. Before I was pregnant, I had goals, would accomplish them, and feel good.  However, I didn't really have a time frame for those goals. Now, I feel more compelled to carry out my goals within specific time frames. For example, since Juniper is so young right now, I am really reflecting on how I want to conduct my life.  I want Juniper to realize the importance of respect, equality, and self-love in a world with so much unpredictability. I also want her to realize that as a female she holds so much power to do and become whatever she desires.  

What I have learned about being a mother is that it makes me realize how vital self-care is in my life.  Sure, I took care of myself before she was born.  Nevertheless, I never really appreciated how important it was to do this prior to getting pregnant or maybe it's because I spent countless hours moisturizing my pregnant belly.  Since I am in my 30s, I am still learning about all the face products I need to use in order to minimize wrinkles. I just discovered body brushing, I try to use a face mask twice a week, and of course, taking a bath is an important part of taking care of myself. Also, I think it's important to take some time out of the week for yourself, if possible.  For me, that includes being active. I particularly enjoy yoga, spinning, and rock climbing. And let's not forget eating. I love food. I am making it a point to eat healthy and increase my protein intake especially because I am pescatarian. 

What I have learned about being a mother is that it has helped me to appreciate what I am grateful for in life.  Every moment of breath is so precious.  I think too many people take it for granted that they are alive and just breathing.  It can be really easy to get stuck and complain how things are not going as planned in any area of life.  I truly believe life's events unfold for a greater purpose unknown to us.  So, when Justin and I decided to have Juniper, I told myself that if I was not meant to bear children that we would adopt.  However, we were blessed with a precious bundle of joy who made me a mom.  

On a side note, I hand-lettered one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes from Henry V. You can DOWNLOAD it here.


We are Pregnant!

Since we got back from Europe, life has been taking off in multiple directions. We had two very life changing events occur at once: we are pregnant and bought a house. Phew! We will be expecting a baby girl at the end of May 2017. We are very excited and can't wait to meet her. People keeping asking us about names and we are currently undecided. I know it will come to us soon.  So far, the pregnancy has been relatively easy. I know that is not the case for everyone, but I think that having kept up with my exercise routine has greatly impacted how my pregnancy has been going. I was super diligent with my exercise routine of spinning, yoga, pop physique, and rock climbing.  However, after the move, I fell off my routine and now I just stick to yoga because I have to pee every twenty minutes, yikes! Our doula, Cindi from Mother's Milky Way, has been super supportive and we can't wait to work with her on the big day. I promise to post my pregnancy essentials and hospital bag essentials once I start packing. I've been such a procrastinator during this pregnancy, which is so unlike me.

As for our house purchase, we are so stoked and grateful that we will be starting a family in a place to call our own.  The house is a 1920 Spanish style home with high ceilings.  The house is the perfect starter home size and in great condition. Some of our goals include landscaping, converting the garage, and really making the house our own.  Basically, the house is a clean canvas waiting for art, life, and creativity to come alive.  Even though we are still in the middle of unpacking and organizing boxes, the house is slowly coming together.  

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